“SANTA SHOOT OUT” Golf Tournament
A great time was had by all on Saturday, December 12th. at the White Bluff Resort Golf Course with hosts Steve Reband, Golf Pro, Jennifer Oliver, Manager of The Trophy Grill & The Lighthouse Restaurants, BOSSIERS Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram of Hillsboro, TX and Dixon Golf of Houston, TX.
A very special thank you to all the sponsors, donors for gift bags, Business Supply Center in Hillsboro for making the beautiful plaque the Chamber presented to Mr. Reband and for all 32 golfers who not only showed up but helped us ward off the rain until the entire tournament was over and even after they had eaten their lunch.
Chamber Director Bob Wilson presented Golf Pro, Steve Reband, with our gift of thanks from the Chamber.
Two large boxes of toys were delivered to the Whitney Police Department on Saturday as part of the contributions from the Chamber and the golfers for the “Toys for Kids” drive by the Whitney Police and Whitney Volunteer Fire Department. Those pictures are posted on Face Book at the Whitney Police Departments site. So happy we could help out this worthwhile cause and give the gift of happiness to a local Whitney girl or boy for Christmas time.
We will have another tournament at the White Bluff Resort on the new course on Saturday, April 2, 2016 before the spring golfers take over the two courses.
We are very grateful for this invitation from our member, White Bluff Resort.
We have kept the sponsor signs, unless you ask for them back, in hopes we can keep our sponsors for the 2016 tournament. THANK YOU AGAIN to the following sponsors:
Bossiers Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ram, Dixon Golf, HILCO Electric Co-Op., Inc., Gary Bob Wilson, Sauer & Associates, Inc., Brazos Street Market, Lake Whitney Dental, Bosque Real Estate @ Lake Whitney, Divine Living Assistance Services, Gene’s Auto Service, American Self-Storage, Citizens State Bank, Texas New Mexico Power Company, Homestead Long Term Care, Darren Hayes Insurance Agency, Hill County Title Company, Lake Whitney Chamber of Commerce, First Central Credit Union &Texas Great Country Café & Pie Pantry. A very special thanks for the plaque from Business Supply Center and to The Lakelander and The Reporter for their generous coverage of this event and support of our Chamber. What great members we have!!!!!
Although we didn’t have a Hole in One Winner and Bossiers gets to keep the 2016 Jeep Wrangler, we hope to persuade them to donate another vehicle for the 2016 tournament. They were so generous with 3 other hole in one prizes and the Jeep and we are very grateful for them. Thank you, Randy Pretzer, General Manager, owners and staff.