Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Woodmen of the World
On Tuesday, September 2, 2014, the Lake Whitney Chamber of Commerce held a Ribbon Cutting ceremony
at Woodmen of the World, 219 E. Elm Street, Hillsboro, TX.
They can be reached at 254-582-9416 or www.woodmen.org
Mr. Jake Powers, Hill & Bosque County Field Representative cut the ribbon and also present for the photo
were: Stuart Stephenson, Area Manager of Woodmen, Chapter Members Nora Bearden, Louise Morgan, Mr.
Powers, Anne Blaha member/ambassador from First National Bank of Central Texas, Lujean Porter & Tim
Morgan. They sell life insurance, investments & annuities and the second part of their work is Not for Profit
in that they take the profits and give back to the community. Anyone is welcome to join and applications are
available by calling Jake Powers. Hours are by appointment and they meet the first Tuesday of every month
at the Elm Street location at 6:30p.m. Woodmen of the World is 124 years old and the Hillsboro Chapter is
107 years old.
Photo by: Diana Reed