Ribbon Cutting ceremony at Uncle Gus’ Lodge & Marina Boat Sales & Service
On Saturday, April 18, 2015, the Lake Whitney Chamber of Commerce held a Ribbon Cutting ceremony at Uncle Gus’ Lodge & Marina Boat Sales & Service on Lake Whitney at 151 CR 1715 in Clifton, TX., to welcome new owners Steven & Kerri Watson of Hamilton, TX. Ray Bible is the General Manager and Rayette Bible the Office Manager. We joined with the Clifton and Meridian Chambers to help them celebrate. Phones: 254-622-3333 or 254-622-2276 www.unclegus.com The day was filled with all kinds of activities and a great time was had by all present. Present for the photo besides the Watson, their family, friends and employees were President Debbie Clay, Director Paul Sauer and member/ambassador Dawn Stenmark.
Photo: Diana Reed