Lawn Mower Races

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAOnce a year, members of the Lone Star Mower Racing Association (LSMRA) get together at Whitney to show off their prized racing machines.  Racers compete in six classes of USLMRA-sanctioned events for trophies and bragging rights. Races feature riding lawn mowers, with cutting blades removed, kicking up the dust at speeds up to 60 mph.

The LSMRA is one of the fastest racing lawn mower clubs in the land. Members are happy to discuss their sport with spectators, who are welcome to watch in the pit area as the racers make final tuning adjustments to their machines before each race.

A highlight of the afternoon is a special appearance by the Whitney Radio Controlled Airplane Club.   The group puts on a great show at half-time with an aerial exhibition of their planes.

Throughout the day, booths are setup with lawn, garden, and crafts displays.  Other vendors sell locally made food for lunch and snacks.

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERALawnmower racing is one of the most economical and fastest growing forms of motorsport in the country today. Racers come from all walks of life and backgrounds to accomplish one thing – have fun and mow down the competition.

The LSMRA is a local chapter of the U.S. Lawn Mower Racing Association (USLMRA) which sanctions and presents more than 140 organized lawn mower races across the country.  Lawn mowers race in four road course classes with all cutting blades removed:

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAStock (8 mph), IMOW (20 mph), Prepared (50 mph), and F/X or Factory Experimental (60 mph).  USLMRA lawn mower racing is featured on the Pink’s All Out, Discovery Channel, Fox Sports Net and the Outdoor Channel.